Publications & Blogs about Euro-Climhist
List of publications and blog posts written by the Euro-Climhist team or produced in collaboration with external institutions and co-operation partners. The blog posts are published in the respective original language.

1835, painted by Thomas Fearnley
Source: Nasjonalgalleriet Oslo.
Historical Glacier Images Enable Reconstruction of Past Glacier Levels
Global glacier retreat is a warning sign of climate change. Historical glacier images show past glacier fluctuations and give the public and researchers a unique insight into past climate events. These findings are essential for understanding the current and future climate.
→ MeteoSwiss-Blog, 18.08.2023
Blog Post in Collaboration with the Sebastiana Foundation

Rudolf Salis-Marschlins for July 1787.
A detailed look at the weather and phenology of the late 18th and 19th centuries: the examples of Grossaffoltern (BE) and Landquart (GR)
Blog post in collaboration with the Sebastiana Foundation by Christian Rohr, Isabelle Vieli & Tamara T. Widmer
Article in PAGES Magazine

News from paleoscience data organizations
Article published in PAGES Magazine by Darrell Kaufman & Lukas Jonkers.
Blog Post in Collaboration with the Sebastiana Foundation

Integration of historical glacier images into the Euro-Climhist database
Blog post in collaboration with the Sebastiana Foundation by Samuel U. Nussbaumer, Christian Rohr, Céline Walker & Tamara T. Widmer.
Article Published in the Journal Didactica Historica

Tracing the climate since the Middle Ages - project-orientated work in secondary schools and grammar schools with the Euro-Climhist database
Article published in the journal Didactica Historica by Christian Rohr, Chantal Camenisch & Tamara T. Widmer.
Project Flyer in Collaboration with the UniBern Research Foundation

Free access to data for weather, climate and disaster history
Under the leadership of Christian Pfister's successor, Prof Dr Christian Rohr, the "Euro-Climhist" research project is one of the first projects of its kind worldwide to extract historical document data on climate and weather from various types of sources, evaluate the data accordingly and then make it available in a generally accessible online database.
Flyer: UniBern Forschungsstiftung, „Auswahl unterstützter Projekte“, Nr. 10. (PDF, 258KB)
Article published in the Magazine Wasser Energie Luft

Euro-Climhist: a data platform of the University of Bern on weather, climate and disaster history
The Euro-Climhist database makes it possible to directly compare a wide range of data on weather and climate and their effects on people and societies.
Article published in Wasser Energie Luft by Christian Pfister, Christian Rohr and Antoine Jover. (PDF, 177KB)