Euro-Climhist – Ways to Weather Hindcasting

Terms of Use

Access to Euro-Climhist is public and free of charge. A one-off registration is required to access the database. You must also choose your own user name and password.

Standard users receive a starting credit of 20,000 hits for testing purposes. After that, access allows up to 10,000 hits per week. The query results appear without a detailed citation and without the full text of the source.

Scientific users have unrestricted access to the data and can also retrieve detailed references and the full text of the source.

The user category academic user includes employees at universities (researchers and students), archives, museums and other non-commercial research institutes as well as teachers and students in the context of school research projects and employees of cooperation partners. When registering as a scientific user, access as a standard user is initially granted automatically, while activation as a scientific user is checked personally by the Euro-Climhist team. Please allow a few working days for this.

The data may only be used for personal use in teaching and research, i.e. for presentations, worksheets and scientific publications, provided the source is fully acknowledged (see the following section on citing Euro-Climhist in publications). On the other hand, they may not be used commercially for services, passed on to third parties or entered in whole or in part into other databases or published on the Internet without the express authorisation of the Euro-Climhist project management. Passing on user names and passwords to third parties is expressly prohibited.

For commercially orientated projects, it is possible to define individually adapted uses within the framework of a contractually regulated cooperation with Euro-Climhist. The additional work required for customised data processing by Euro-Climhist must be compensated by an appropriate financial contribution.

The publication of data from Euro-Climhist must always be accompanied by a citation:

For publications in the humanities:

a) Euro-Climhist in general (in the bibliography)
Pfister, Christian; Rohr, Christian (eds.): Euro-Climhist. Informationssystem zur Witterungs- und Klimageschichte (, [date of access in the form DD.MM. YYYY], DOI: 10.7892/boris.73059).

b) Individual sources
Author of the source: Work, book/chapter, etc., cited according to Pfister, Christian; Rohr, Christian (eds.): Euro-Climhist. Informationssystem zur Witterungs- und Klimageschichte (, [date of access in the form DD.MM. YYYY]).

For scientific publications:

a) Euro-Climhist general (in the bibliography)
Pfister, Christian; Rohr, Christian (eds.): Euro-Climhist. Informationssystem zur Witterungs- und Klimageschichte (, [date of access in the form DD.MM. YYYY], DOI: 10.7892/boris.73059).

b) Individual sources
DOI of the individual source (Pfister, Rohr 2015,, [date of access in the form DD.MM. YYYY]).

All content on this website and the integrated database is for information purposes only. The sponsors (University of Bern and MeteoSwiss) endeavour, but cannot guarantee, the accuracy, reliability and accessibility of the content on this website and the integrated database. The sponsors reserve the right to make changes to the website and the integrated database at any time and without prior notice. Such changes are noted in the list of results for the data records concerned. The licence holder accepts no liability for any damage arising from the use of this website and the integrated database.