Euro-Climhist – Ways to Weather Hindcasting

Query by Time Intervals and Periods

Topics can be queried in the time interval between two dates either for the entire year or only for one period of the year (month, season). Meteorological seasons are winter (December of the previous year to February), spring (March to May), summer (June to August), autumn (September to November).


a) "Storm damage" From "01.01.1540", To "31.12.1560", Periods: "All"
shows all documented storm damage between 1540 and 1560.

b) "Storm damage" From "01.01.1540", To "31.12.1560", Periods: "Winter"
only shows storm damage in the meteorological winter between 1540 and 1560.

Attention: When querying "all events" in the selected time interval (example 1), always set Periods: "All" in advance.

If no time interval is selected, all events are displayed.

Daily observations make up the lion's share of all data from 1684 to 1863. They can distort the view of the selected categories. It is therefore advisable to exclude daily weather observations from the query if these are not expressly desired.