Euro-Climhist is a project that is constantly being expanded. You can help us to improve the content and functionality by reporting the following to us:
- Do you have any questions on how to use Euro-Climhist?
- Have you noticed any errors?
- Do you see potential for improvement? If so, in which areas?
- Would you like to contribute your climate history results to Euro-Climhist?
- Do you have climate history sources (weather diaries, photos of extreme natural events, etc.) in your private possession that you could make available to us for analysis?
- Would you like to co-operate with Euro-Climhist for university courses, school projects or exhibitions?
For feedback, please contact the following persons:
- General questions regarding use and the website - Climate data and projects
Prof. Dr. Christian Rohr - Database and applications - General questions about the glacier images and their image rights